
Source Code



Play Online

RayPong is a pong like game that can be played with one or two players. It features multiple scoring modes:

Classic First player to get ten points wins

3 Lives If you fail to block the puck, you lose a life. If you lose 3 lives, you lose.

Unlimited There is no score kept

There are three modes for the bot you play against in single player

Normal Self explanatory, this mode is normal

Useless The bot is completely unable to play properly

Unfair Bot uses a hacked client and plays without ethics

How to run

RayPong is made in LÖVE and can be played by downloading LÖVE and opening the RayPong.love file in it. If you are on Linux and have LÖVE installed, run love filepath/RayPong.love or filepath/love\ executable filepath/RayPong.love. There should also be builds for web browser and MacOS.